Everything to Know About Interval Training


What is interval training?

Interval training is a type of training that incorporates high intensity with low intensity rest periods. The high intensity activity gets close to anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic means that your body is breaking down glucose without oxygen. The lower intensity rest period is at a much lower intensity level.

Why do interval training?


When you add variety to your exercise with something like interval training, you work your heart and lungs harder. You push into your cardiovascular system more. Interval training can allow you to exercise for longer with a higher intensity. You are also likely to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time with this type of training.


Who should do interval training?

Anyone can do interval training! Interval training can be used for any sport, but it’s generally incorporated with cardiovascular workouts such as cycling and running. Interval training is most popularly known in running.

What is “high intensity interval training,” or HIIT?

HIIT is an extremely popular workout term, and it’s not going anywhere soon. HIIT incorporates short bouts of intense working out (10s to 5 minutes or more) with recovery periods. How hard should you go? If your “intense” period is shorter in duration, try to go as hard as you can. If it’s longer (3-5 minutes or more), a goal of staying around an 8+/10 on an intensity scale (10 is the hardest) might work well. The length of your rest depends on what you want. Sometimes 30s is fine if you want to train your body to handle more in shorter periods of time, but you are still going to get great benefits with longer rests.

Examples of interval training:

  • TABATA: 20s of intense, 10s of rest, 8 rounds, 4 minutes total

  • RUNNING: 1 minute hard (quicker than your “race pace”), jog 2 minute recovery, repeat X amount of times

  • HIIT: 3 exercises (push ups, jumping rope, squats), repeat through X amount of reps of each for 5 minutes continuously, rest 30-60s, repeat

  • JUMPING ROPE: 1 minute hard, 30s walking, repeat 5 times

  • So, so many more!