Worker's Compensation Program

We understand how important it is to return to work after an injury. However, it's also important to in a safe manner that is lead by a medical specialist who is experienced with rehabilitating workers after an injury. Worker's compensation claims are something that we work with on a daily basis.

Injuries at work can be very costly for both you and your employer. Here at Whole Body Health Physical Therapy, a doctor of physical therapy provides you with an understanding of your condition and empowers you with the education of how to heal, enabling you to feel better sooner and get back to work safely.

Our program tailors exercises to your occupation and not only treats the symptoms at hand, but also helps you reduce the likelihood of future injury. This keeps both you and your employer(s) happy and allows you to get back to doing what you do efficiently and confidently.

Whole Body Health Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Clinic, Portland, OR

Examples of worker’s compensation cases we have seen include, but are not limited to the following: carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and upper back pain, low back pain and disc pathology, various shoulder, knee, and ankle injuries, as well as many other diagnoses.

Like any other client, if you are thinking of being seen for physical therapy with a worker’s compensation case, it is important to attend all of your scheduled physical therapy sessions and are highly compliant with your prescribed home exercise program. This will ensure that you get back to work as quickly and efficiently as possible! Your physical therapist will discuss these concepts with you on your first visit. We want to make your return to work as comfortably as possible.

Treatments will include in-depth discussions of the tasks you need to perform at your work. That way, we can make your exercises extremely specific to your occupation. During your recovery, you will not only learn how to decrease your pain, but prevent future work-related injury.


Contact us today to learn about the difference we can make for you!