Running Analysis
What we offer
Evaluation of running form and treatment of common aches and pains that often plague recreational runners. Our evaluation and treatment system is designed for the everyday runners. We're not here to tell you how you "should run". We're here to help you run in a way that fits your body and your goals.
Treatment for Common conditions associated with running
IT band pain and knee pain
Plantar fasciitis
Back pain during running
Hamstring strains
Shin splints
Ankle sprains
Achilles Tendonopathy
General hip pain
How We are different from other physical therapy clinics
Hour long 1-on-1 private evaluation and treatment with a Doctor of Physical therapy.
Thorough physical examination and running evaluation
Non-pretentious environment. We aren't running snobs. We're here for the average runner trying to stay healthy and feel well.
Online home exercise program with a communication portal that allows for continuous communication between patient and therapist.
What to expect from your first visit:
Your evaluation will begin with your physical therapist performing a thorough physical exam to precisely evaluate how your body moves. This exam will primariliy focus on your back, hips, knees, ankles and feet.
Next, your therapist will use slow motion video capture software to film your running at various speeds. Then your therapist will sit down with you give you a break-down of what they see. From there, if needed, we will begin the process of trialing slight modifications to running form that can have large effects on running efficiency and pain.
Last, but certainly not least, you and your therapist will establish a treatment plan and home exercises that are tailored to your specific goals. In some cases a single appointment is all that's needed. In other cases a few follow-up appointments are needed to get you back to pain free running.