4th Week of Physical Therapy Month 2022! BINGO!!!

Bingo Tracker: 10/10 winners!

We just hit 10/10 Bingo winners! This was the longest it's ever taken to reach all 10. We almost made it to Halloween!

Thank you all so much for playing. We seriously love that you get excited, make great comments, and support us as a company in general. We'll be back next year!!!

Hi, Everyone! Happy 4th Week of Physical Therapy Month! Remember, for the entire month of October, we will be posting fun videos that reveal a bingo word that may correspond with a word on your bingo card! (you should have received one in the mail last week - if not, stop by the clinic for a card!). Tune in every week day for a new word and your chance to win! We will be giving away up to 10 $100 Amazon gift cards to the first people to either facebook (www.facebook.com/wholebodyhealthpt/) or e-mail us (info@wholebodyhealthpt.com) a picture of their bingo card with the associated bingo card number on the bottom right-hand corner. Remember, you have to have 5 marked words in a row to win - good luck!!! :)

October 24th, 2022

October 25th, 2022

October 26th, 2022

October 27th, 2022

October 28th, 2022