Sleep Better: Sleep Hygiene Checklist

Sleep Hygiene Program

This is a checklist to help you find ways to improve your sleep. These changes can improve the quality of your sleep, which can contribute to more energy, less pain, and improved mood. Do only 1 or 2 at a time, and remember that it takes a few days or even weeks for changes to happen! Happy sleeping!

During the day

  1. Be consistent! Aim to have the same bedtime and same wake-up time each day

  2. Get plenty of aerobic exercise, such as walking, to help reduce stress chemicals in the body (20-30 minutes at least 4 days of the week)

  3. Get natural light exposure, especially first thing in the morning. This has been shown to improve your circadian rhythm, which helps you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep (it can also improve mood!)

  4. Keep caffeine to a minimum, especially later in the day (no later than 3 pm)

  5. No naps! Yes, this may make you want to stop reading, but naps mess up evening sleep patterns--they give you jetlag without the fun of traveling. If you must, quick catnaps of 20 minutes or less can be refreshing

Getting ready for bed

  1. Set a time to go to bed (late nights are not the best option unless your work requires that)

  2. One hour before bed

  3. Start quieting the house down, turn the TV and computer off

  4. Avoid checking e-mail prior to bed, this likely keeps your brain going

  5. Try implementing a relaxing routine, such as breathing, stretching, meditating and/or reading before getting into bed

  6. The bedroom should be dark and cool

  7. Avoid too much water

  8. Avoid alcoholic beverages too close to bedtime. Yes, it can help you relax, but it decreases your deeper/restorative sleep, so you don’t sleep as well

  9. Put a notepad and pen next to your bed to write all last-minute thoughts down (pay bills, call Grandma) so the brain can let it go

When you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep

  1. If you can’t fall asleep right away, close your eyes and relax until you (finally) fall asleep

  2. If you find you are still not falling asleep after about 20-30 minutes, get out of bed and do something relaxing, such as reading, breathing, or meditation

  3. If you wake up before your planned time, stay in bed and relax with your eyes closed